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My Story

Deep down inside, I've always been a teacher.


My first teaching gig was teaching art classes on the weekends in college. I loved it so much that after graduation, I started working full time teaching art and doing trade shows for a local rubber stamp company. I then moved into the tech industry and spent over 20 years creating and teaching courses, facilitating workshops, leading learning and development teams, and coaching individuals and leaders to reach their potential.

While I was successful in my business life, I wasn't fulfilled in my personal life. Something was missing. I started working with a coach who introduced me to the Creative Orientation - the process of intentionally creating what you would love in your life. I learned tools and resources to help me see what was holding me back and how to focus my energy on what I wanted to create. I became more compassionate for others, for myself, and was amazed at how much joy was suddenly in my world.


This sense of joy and fulfillment carried into my business life where I started to bring creative premises into my day-to-day work. I started making bolder and bolder choices that more closely aligned with who I truly am and want to be versus who I thought I needed to be. I stopped asking "what should I do?" and started asking "what would I love?" I changed the dialog with myself. I took ownership over the outcomes in my life, and I changed my definitions of myself, others, and the world. I became a parent. I left my successful corporate career and started my own business. I became a happier leader, co-worker, wife, friend, mother, and overall human. 

One of my favorite quotes is attributed to Pablo Picasso -

"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away."


I've learned that my gift is connection. Connecting to others, helping them connect to themselves, to their potential, and what they would love in their lives. Now my focus is supporting people on their own transformational journeys. 

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